London, UK
Old Admiralty Building
KIPO were appointed to conduct a discrimination study for the Old Admiralty Building. The study covered the Old Admiralty Building mains and sub-mains power systems relating to the main LV switchboards MSSB1, MSSB2, MSSB3, MSSB4 and MSSB5 including the UK Power-networks incoming power, downstream electrical distribution and the Essential Switchboards served from the generator.
Our services and solutions included:
Established fault levels at key points throughout the mains and sub-mains electrical installation
Tested and verified whether equipment installed had adequate withstand capabilities for the fault level present at the point of installation
Establish protection discrimination between series MCCBS
Ensure applied settings are appropriate to ensure fault disconnection in accordance with the time limits mandated by the IEE Wiring regulations 17th edition [as amended]; BS7671
Client: AF Switchgear
Value: £8,600
Sector: Hotels and Leisure
Main Contractor: Halsion